Downloadable Tattoo Designs by World-Renowned Celtic Artist Pat Fish
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Great Winged Disc Egyptian Tattoo

Egyptian Tattoo with Great Winged Disc Design

$ 11.99

The solar disc represents the sun, but not simply in an astronomically factual manner. To early peoples the world over, including ancient Egypt, the sun was sovereign, mighty, and all-seeing. It was the giver of life and also the source of light and wisdom, making it one of the most widespread and powerful of all symbols.
Flanking the solar disk are the uraei. The uraeus, double in this case, is the rearing cobra of Buto, the goddess of Lower Egypt, nurse to Horus when he was an infant, hiding him in the swamps of the Nile delta from murderous Seth. When worn on the crown of the pharaoh, the uraeus endowed him magical powers as it threw flames out towards his enemies. Above all, however, it represented supreme authority.
Finally, the outstretched wings are taken directly from Horus, the falcon-god, and they represent not only him but the sky in which the sun rests.
Thus the Great Winged Disc is a fusion of solar and kingly dominion. It unites Ra, Horus, and the pharaoh and it represents the protection that they extend over their kingdoms, especially as they attempt to preserve the balance of powers in their constant struggle for the forces of light.

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